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Finally we have a means of monitoring
Finally, we have a means of monitoring pace–sense conductor failure in an ICD lead. LIA™ (Lead Integrity Alert, Medtronic, Minneapolis, MN, USA) is a detection system for ICD pace–sense conductor failure [16]. Remote monitoring is also effective using this method of lead failure detection [17]. Howe
br Meses m s tarde en Un monosindicato que se
Meses más tarde, en “Un monosindicato que se adhiere H-Ser-OH las huelgas” (, 14/enero/1935), Max Carón incluye un pliego petitorio donde delata y, a la vez, desvirtúa la profesión de su alter ego, la de traductor de cables del inglés y del francés: “Obligación de Gilberto Owen (el señor de la ata
Cy7 carboxylic acid (non-sulfonated) structure Universalisat
Universalisation means reaching all individuals with good quality, effective interventions without financial hardship. Coverage matters. Participatory women\'s groups are effective in reducing newborn mortality among poor populations provided they involve about 30% of pregnant women in the populatio
The study by Quentin Vincent and colleagues in
The study by Quentin Vincent and colleagues in makes good use of data collected with the WHO Buruli ulcer forms. Vincent and colleagues exploited and analysed data for 1357 laboratory-confirmed cases of Buruli ulcer during 10 years at the treatment centre in Pobè, Benin, to provide qualitative and
Emergency care inherently addresses the wide array of illnes
Emergency care inherently addresses the wide array of illness and injury, including traumatic injuries, surgical disease, acute complications of chronic illness (eg, strokes, myocardial infarction, diabetic ketoacidosis, complications of HIV, tuberculosis, hepatitis C, and other chronic infections),
Chlortetracycline HCl To facilitate WHO s goals it is import
To facilitate WHO\'s goals, it Chlortetracycline HCl is important to assess the cost-effectiveness of interventions that incorporate emerging technologies for case detection, treatment, and vector control in the context of economic constraints and logistical barriers. In an elegant modelling study i
br Catheter ablation A reentry circuit is
Catheter ablation A reentry circuit is supported by complex anatomy and a thick and/or damaged myocardium; thus, high-energy RF application is usually required to create the conduction block line through the critical isthmus of the reentry circuit in patients after ToF repair. A large-tip (8mm) a
The CONNECT trial conducted by Crossley et al
The CONNECT trial conducted by Crossley et al. [22] was also a multicenter, prospective, randomized evaluation of wireless RM, which included 1997 patients implanted with ICDs or CRT-Ds. They were randomly assigned to the remote or in-office groups and followed up for 15 months. The median time from
March marked annual World TB Day
March 24 marked annual World TB Day, this year\'s theme being “reach the 3 million” who acquire tuberculosis every year but who do not get diagnosed, treated, or cured. Why do so many patients with this life-threatening infectious disease go under the radar? One reason, as Madhukar Pai and colleague
La Brev ssima relaci n
La Brevíssima relación de la destruyción de las Indias de fray Bartolomé de las Casas, fechada el 8 de diciembre de 1542, se publica en el año 1552 (“… fue rogado e importunado que destas postreras pusiesse algunas por brevedad por escrito”). Finalmente es condenada en 1660 por el Tribunal de la Inq
br INTRODUCCI N La historia pol tica
INTRODUCCIÓN La historia política de Colombia se ha desarrollado en una tensión permanente. Como lo plantea Cárdenas, esta tensión siempre ha surgido entre la guerra y la búsqueda de la paz. Según el autor: “desde el mismo origen del Estado colombiano, la violencia y los conflictos han sido un el
Entre estas perspectivas subyace un complejo concepto de paz
Entre estas perspectivas subyace un complejo concepto de paz que implica una relación dialéctica con la justicia, pues ésta “no consiste únicamente en el pacifismo Pemetrexed disodium hemipenta hydrate ultranza o en la ausencia de guerra”. En ello radica el interés profundo de la tl por la esperanza
A facility survey from reported that only of
A facility survey from 2003 reported that Droxinostat only 15% of primary health centres provided abortion services. Another study from Rajasthan state revealed that nine districts included 83% of all facilities whereas the remaining 22 districts included only 17%. Within districts too, abortion fa
Conflicts of interest br Acknowledgments
Conflicts of interest Acknowledgments This article was supported by grants from the Ministry of Science and Technology, Executive Yuan (MOST 103-2314-B-010-043-MY3), and Taipei Veterans General Hospital (V103C-112; V104C-095; and V105C-096). We also appreciate the Clinical Research Core Laborato
If the patient s coronary artery is very close to
If the patient’s coronary artery is very close to the ablation target site, or if the origin of the VT/VPCs cannot be estimated by only the 12-lead ECG, for example, because of a severely deformed thorax or an alteration in the morphology of the VT, the CartoSound® system can be a useful tool for as
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